Saturday, November 2, 2013

Using Spreadsheets to Create QR Codes

Today there are many hand held devices that can read QR codes.  Some of these are built in and other have apps that can be downloaded to make this function work.  A question that is commonly asked of me is how to create these QR codes.  Here is one method.

More on Formulas in Google Spreadsheets

There are a million ways to use spreadsheets as they are a very powerful tool.  Even in Education and the classroom, they are way under used.  In this section, the videos look at how to best get the most out of formulas in Google Spreadsheets.

Part two looks at ways to create a function and then use it over a large part of the spreadsheet.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Making Charts from Data in Spreadsheets

One of the more powerful reasons to use spreadsheets is the ability to take the data and make a chart of it.  In this video I will show you how to do this.

One of the more unusual charts that can be produced are map charts.  Here is a demonstration of this aspect of Google Spreadsheets.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Introduction to Google Spreadsheets

These can be very powerful if used correctly.  They are also an integral part of the Google Forms as we shall see later.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Google Presentations - Transitions & Animations

Presentations have grown a lot since they first came into the digital domain.   Google Presentations continues to grow and new features are being added in all the time.

I want to spend a little time here going through Animations and Transitions in Google Presentations.  Remember the rules and do not make the presentation too overpowering with different and confusing transitions and animations.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Google Presentations - The Basics

Presentations are part of every teacher.  Not only in the class either.  Keynote speeches, assembly notes and presentations, class unit presentations, planning sessions and a variety of other uses form the basis for a need for presentations.  At this point we will start to look at the Google Presentation App.  It will take about the next two or three blog posts.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Google Docs - Comments

A very powerful system of commenting will always help students learn.  It can be in the style of a formative assessment or used as a help system with students struggling to understand a skill such as writing.  Google Drive has a fill commenting system and this short video will help you use them.

If you as a teacher are worried that the comments will be missed, it is possible to email the student with the comment.  Here is how it is done.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Google Documents Part 2

There are some amazing tools associated with documents in Google Drive.  The first one we will look at is translating a document to another language.

Now look at using the Research Tool.  This is a powerful tool that has many uses.  Watch the video to see some of the uses.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Google Documents Part 1

Today we are going to start to look at Documents in Google Drive.  This is the word processor part of Google Drive and I think you will find it very easy to use.  It is very similar to many of the word processors we use everyday here at school with some neat improvements.

Next let's look at inserting and manipulating images.

There is a built-in system for Math Equations/Formulas.  It is fairly easy to use.  Watch this short video to learn how it works.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Organising Your Google Drive

Much like a computer, your google drive can be organized with folders.  Here is a short video to help you with this.

Remember, part of the power in Google Drive is the sharing function.  Google makes the sharing personalized to your tastes.

There are issues with using folders inside of folders, commonly referred to as Sub-Folders.  They do work as they are suppose to, but may show up twice in a users interface.  Google seems to be aware of this and will patch it at some point in time.  Remember, over all, if you are sharing something, there should be a need for the share.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Changed the name.....lets get going

I have just changed the name from 1:1 Notes to ISB Google.  I did this for several reasons.

1.  I am concerned that there are many students graduating from ISB without really knowing the power behind the google set of Apps.  This could mean that as they move on to university, they are behind their peers.

2.  There is so much integration in Google that will help students in both high school and university make their lives less complicated.

3.  1:1 Notes is over - now that we are into our third year, we are past the 1:1 and into making the program much more robust.

4.  Good teaching needs help in how to best use these Google tools to make a program really flourish.

This does come with a price.  In China it is not possible to get many of the Google websites outside of institutions who have access (such as schools) and people who have a VPN at home.  Most of the Google apps are blocked by the great firewall of China.  I think we can work around this and still make Google a big part of our program.  Recently there was a newspaper article indicating a removal of the Great Chinese Firewall from the new economic zone in Shanghai.  Perhaps this is a sign of things to come in the future.


First off you are going to need a Google account to access everything.  This can be done with any existing email account.  I would not suggest you use the school's email account however since when you leave it is deleted.  If you already use Gmail then use your gmail account so that everything is linked together.  You can signin or signup here.  Once in you will see your Google Drive.  Here is a short video tour of Google Drive.

Some things you need to know about Google Drive;

1.  Total free storage = 50GB (however, Google Drive format documents do not count in the total)
2.  You can upload PDF, Word, Spreadsheets, JPG and drawing files to Google Drive.  These count in the 50 GB total.
3.  Youtube uploads seem to be unlimited but each channel can only have about 1000 videos.
4.  Your Google Drive account will also work for all other Google Apps even though you may have to log in and set up some of the other Apps.