With an eye to collaboration with an NGO here in China, the grade 11 Language and Literature class hosted an administrator from Asia Catalyst during their class to go over information about the company and what kind of assistance the class could provide. It was an hour of information about what this NGO is trying to achieve here and also a time to Skype with one of the actual organizations they assist.
The students had prepared a list of questions to ask both the ladies they would talk to. These included the gathering of information about the organizations and also about what they need he most help with. The kept notes as the answers were given. It was great to see how many students were using their MacBooks to do this. One of the students from the class was chosen as the interpreter for the interview with the lady from Henan since she not speak English. The answers were then given back to the class in English. Truly a real world experience for this young man.
By the time it was over the students have decided to work with Asia Catalyst and the Henan Womans Network in the production of a booklet of information, advertising brochure and posters. The students will also assist with the production of an English section to existing websites. In order to complete this there will be four groups in the class; copy writing, editing, layout and design, and management. Overseeing all this will be a leader from each of these groups who will meet regularly with both the groups in the class and also Asia Catalyst as the project progresses this semester.
Look for more on this as they year progresses.
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